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Refreshing Summer Cocktails

Enjoy these cocktails for your upcoming summer barbeque or brunch. Best had with pyjamas and friends! Camomile Gin Cocktail Camomile tea, flowers, candles…you name it. Let’s make this pretty flower shine in your next cocktail! Known for calming nerves and soothing souls, this drink will definitely wake you up. INGREDIENTS 8 servings: 1/4 cup dried chamomile flowers or 12 chamomile tea bags 6 tablespoons honey 2 cups London dry gin 3 /4 cup fresh lemon juice PREPARATION Mix chamomile and 6 Tbsp. very hot water in a medium bowl. Let stand for 1 minute. Stir in honey; mash chamomile with a wooden spoon. Let cool slightly. Strain mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher, pressing on solids to release...

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